Category: Announcements

Projects Status Update

As you may have noticed, our releases have been a bit sporadic lately. I just wanted to give you all an update on where we’re at with our current projects, and talk about future projects too! Saekano S2 It sucks to start this with bad news, but due to some staff becoming unable to continue …

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Apocalypse Nyaa

As many of you have probably noticed by now, Nyaa torrents is probably going to be down indefinitely. As such we are also hitting the dry docks and shutting down…   Just kidding™. As a result of these recent events, releases (Saekano 02/Fuuka 06) will be temporarily delayed while we transfer all previous torrents to …

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[NHK] Merger/Partnership

Now I’m sure many of you are wondering, why a merger and why now? Well it really comes down to not having any qt grills lack of manpower and delusions of grandeur. As such we have merged with Neko-Raws and Harunatsu to focus upon each group’s respective strengths. Harunatsu focuses upon BD releases and will …

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Releases Delayed

‘ Due to one of our servers exploding some recent events, all releases have been delayed. You can rest assured that work is still being completed and that you will see releases in the near future. In regards to next season, we will probably be picking up one show.

Website Downtime 2/5 – 2/6

Just an advance notice that the website will be down on 2/5 – 2/6 due to a server migration. Plastic Memories batch will be released after the server migration.


Website Under Construction