Arifureta: Episodes 05.5 – 06

Arifureta presented to you by Kantai-Subs.

Episode 05.5:

Episode 06:


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  1. Episode 5.5, 03:25: TS missing for character name/title.
    03:57: Shizuku misspelled as Shizuka once again.

    1. Time to bring Marek onto the QC team.

      1. Been a while since I last did it that seriously, too busy with other things these days…

    • Bullet on October 5, 2019 at 7:01 am
    • Reply

    where is episode 7 to 12…?

    • ARIFURETA on November 8, 2019 at 3:05 am
    • Reply

    Please complete Arifureta. What is happening, why have you stopped releasing anything?

    1. We don’t have encodes for the rest of the show. All of the episodes have pretty much been edited and TS’d.

        • Asthetic on January 3, 2020 at 10:45 am
        • Reply

        Could you release just the .ass subtitles? Not going to lie, I really enjoy Kantai’s subtitles, but I’ll just have to deal with HorribleSubs for now.

        Thanks for all the work you did for what you’ve released over the years!

    • anon on January 13, 2020 at 11:35 pm
    • Reply

    Any plans for new Hibike movie?

    1. It’s on the radar but we haven’t decided as of yet.

    • fsd on February 26, 2020 at 12:46 am
    • Reply

    Chikai no finale?

  2. Any news on this?

    1. Right now, it’s indefinitely stalled as we don’t have a tl to work on it. Most of the other work has already done which is why we haven’t completely dropped it yet.

      1. And here I was hoping for season 2

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